The Last Matador of Bayonne

by Joe Bonamassa

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 7:11 a.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Dust Bowl

Song Author


Tabbed by



1st → Guitar Distorted
2nd → Organ
3rd → Guitar Clean
4th → Drums
5th → Bass
6th → Vocals
7th → Trumpet
8th → Banjo
9th → Accordion/Piano

File Size

44 KB




I hold out hope-- but it stalls-- soon--- the last cur-tain falls hun-dred years of past have spo-ken All the great war-ri-ors are sown-- in-to his-tories flag- Like a book of the se-ven seals--- of our her-oe's past- Though fires--- re-vo-lu-tions-- Dust storms and con-clu-sions For the show go on- to-night for one more time I fight on-- fight on-- I'm the last Ma-ta-dor of Ba-yonne for to-mor-row this place falls-- in-to si-lence- There's a path tra-velled by ma-ny Say one more pray-er for my fa-mi-ly Like a ship with-out- a sail Cast a-drift I fight on-- fight on-- I'm the last Ma-ta-dor of Ba-yonne A hun-dred years of past-- now are gone